Standard Gaming Chair

Standard Gaming Chair

In stock
Experience Ultimate Back Boosting with Our Revolutionary Lumbar Support! Revolutionize Your Seating Game Now & Conquer the Day w/Pain-Free Comfort & Spine Health!
Experience utmost comfort By taking a seat on our meticulously designed cushion, you'll get a sense of total relaxation and comfort, making it easy to get into the gaming spirit quickly and conveniently. Let the high-density foam cushioning surround you with coziness, melting the stress of your day and bringing you to a gaming paradise without delay.
Experience effortless assembly in just seconds - this product was ingeniously crafted to guarantee a perfect and hassle-free installation. Goodbye aggravation - thanks to this original slot feature, the process of attaching is hassle-free, allowing for a precise assembly each time!
Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

If you need to return an item, please email us at


In order to deliver your order as soon as possible, your order may be shipped in multiple packages. You will receive a separate tracking number for each package.

Please note, shipping carriers are experiencing nationwide delays — your order may be delayed once it leaves our building

We have a 2-3 business day (excluding holidays) processing time after your order is placed before it ships. Some items, such as custom made pieces, may take longer. From the moment your order has been SHIPPED it can take 2-7 business days for Parcel orders to arrive to you within the United States and Canada. Due to Covid-19 these lead times have increased and are subject to change as the carriers continue to struggle with staffing and delivery times. We will do the best we can to get your products out the door as quickly as possible and provide you tracking info but please note we are somewhat at the mercy of the carriers once they have left our facilities.