10 Family Friendly Furniture Finds You Didn't Know You Needed (But Totally Do!)

With kids, you get to a point that the more you have of them, the less stuff you want around. Today, we're exploring ten furnishings you probably didn't even know you needed - until now! We did our best to stick to products that will help you organize and declutter, maximize your space and increase your storage. From armoires that make us feel grown up to desk-exercise solutions that keep both kids and parents active, these finds are not only amusing but incredibly practical, especially for families with kids.

1. Armoire: Fancy, But Not Too Fancy

Let's start with the armoire. It's everything that we hope to be: polished and put together with a little bit of what we actually are on the inside: a hot mess. Need an instant hideaway for toys, art supplies, or the mountain of laundry that didn't fit in your basket hiding in your room? Bam! What laundry? The armoire conceals the mess and transforms your room into a semblance of calm. It's the equivalent of a good baseball cap and a clean t-shirt for us parents.

Shop Our Armoires Now!

2. Loft Bed: Elevate Your Sleep Game

We love a good play on words, but even more so, we love easy to clean kid's rooms. Another reality is kids love to climb. If you have a kid who can safely do so, a loft bed is a much better solution than the kitchen counters. Loft beds take sleeping to new heights! Okay, that's the last loft bed pun. But if you're ready for your other furniture to be treated less like a jungle gym or you would prefer to move the forts from your living room to their bedrooms, get this for their bedroom!

Shop Our Loft Beds Now!

3. Storage Bed: Your Answered Prayer

Will the room actually be clean? Probably not, but can you panic a little less when your family shows up without notice? Maybe! They look like ordinary beds, but beneath that comfy mattress, they provide ample storage space. Perfect for stashing away all those stuffed animals, extra bedding, or bedtime story storage.

Shop Our Storage Beds Now!

4. Convertible Crib: From Baby to Toddler to Short Teenager

Cribs are magical little containers. The trouble is the magic doesn't last nearly long enough. You spend hours assembling them all to get rid of them a couple years later. A convertible crib that grows with your child, transitioning from crib to toddler bed, and eventually to a full-sized bed is the answer. We are tired of society normalizing the pattern of buying new furniture for our kids every two years. Don't get us wrong, that's great for us as business owners, but not so great as parents of four children! Get the most life out of your crib!

5. Convertible Dresser or Changing Station: The Two-in-One Wonder

Imagine a dresser that moonlights as a changing table. Yes, it's a real thing! This quirky piece of furniture simplifies diaper changes while keeping your baby's essentials within arm's reach. And if you don't want to commit to a new piece of furniture (see our crib rant), then buying a changing station you can retrofit to an existing dresser you already have is a genius solution!

Shop Our Dressers!

Shop Our Changing Station!

6. Deskercise: Work and Workout in One

Yes, you read that right. Deskercise! The new form of exercise for those of us who work sedentary jobs but don't want to look like it! For those of us with kids, fitting in exercise on top of work can be challenging and many days, nearly impossible. Enter the Exercise Standing Desk Bike! It's a desk with a built-in mini exercise bike. Now, you can send those emails and get your daily dose of exercise all at once. It's multitasking on a whole new level.

Shop Our Bike Desks!

Shop Our Bike Desk Seats!

Shop Other Exercise Desk Solutions!

7. Hall Tree: Where Organization Meets Whimsy

A hall tree isn't just a place to hang your hat. It's a statement piece that adds a little humble brag to your entryway. It helps keep those backpacks, jackets, and endless shoes off the floor, making the entryway way less overwhelming when you walk in! Plus, it's just fun to say "hall tree."

Shop Our Hall Trees!

8. Patio Storage Box: Hide and Seek with Outdoor Clutter

Kids and outdoor toys are a package deal, and that often means a cluttered patio or backyard. A patio storage box is the perfect place to stash away soccer balls, pool noodles, dismembered barbies and gardening tools. Plus, there are options with seats which you'll appreciate because you need a place to sit while you watch those kiddos in action.

Shop Our Outdoor Storage Boxes!

9. Floating Shelves: The Art of Illusion

Floating shelves are the furniture equivalent of magic tricks. They appear to defy gravity, make our clutter look tidy and then somehow decorative. They provide an excellent space for displaying family photos, books, or your kid's quirky "treasures". Plus, they're great for keeping fragile items out of the reach of those sticky little toddler hands.

Shop Our Floating Shelves!

10. Baskets: A Stylish Storage Solution

This is not for those of you who are already swimming in baskets. This is for the parents who are you tired of the constant upkeep of their cars, living rooms, bedrooms, etc. Instead of picking up only what our hands can hold and making several trips to put everything away, we've found it's better to collect their random items in a stylish basket throughout the day and then when you do have time to put it away (or better yet, when they have time to them away), it can be done in one trip. These versatile containers come in all shapes and sizes, making them perfect for tidying up toys, shoes, or laundry. 

Shop Our Baskets!

So if anyone actually made it this far before a kid ruined it for you, there you have it, ten family friendly furniture finds that are both practical and at least partially amusing. Worst case, it will look like an adult with good intentions lives there!

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